Saturday, 30 August 2014

Wash your hair in cold water. Washing in hot, steamy water damages the hair shaft, leading to hair that is brittle and prone to breakage. To keep it shiny and healthy, wash your hair in the coldest water you can stand.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Brush your hair every day for 1 or 2 minutes, do it every morning and every evening to stimulate circulation in your scalp. Make sure to massage your head gently, it’s not working by the principle ‘the harder you brush, the faster it grows!’ Gently brushing your hair twice a day for, at least, two minutes stimulates the blood circulation in your scalp and spreads your natural oils evenly over your hair. Healthy blood circulation is essential for hair follicles to work efficiently and grow new healthy hair. Remember never to brush your hair when it’s wet, because it can damage your locks and cause breakage. We don’t want it, because we love our hair, right?!